Australian Regional Housing Conference

Australian Regional Housing Conference focusing on creating  sustainable communities. 

The conference will held in Crockwell on Wednesday 23rd March 2022

*  How can smaller communities become stronger and more self-reliant?

* What can be done with unaffordable housing? 

* Climate Change is affecting Regional Australia what are the risks and new opportunities?

Sustainability is Inclussive

Sustaianablility is more than environmentalism, it includes economic sustaianability and social inclusion.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

There are 17 Development Goals with 7 applicable to sustainable communities

No Poverty

We focus on housing poverty but it is closely related to inequality. 

Zero Hunger

Hunger and food insecurity are related to unaffordable housing. Also, with unstainable food production hung will increase.   

Good Heath

Clean Energy


Sustainable Communities



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Crockwell Memorial Hall
Crookwell, 2583, AU

About us

ARHC is a Not-for-Profit dedicated to helping people and communities to be more sustainable. ARHC focus on regional Australia 

Tel 0434 023 640

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